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February 28, 2025

On-Demand CHART Webinar Series Materials

*This enduring material is eligible for Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) credits!   Description  The Climate and Health Actionable Research and Translation (CHART) Webinar Series was developed by the Research Capacity Building Core (RCBC) to bridge gaps between clinical, research, and community-based professions. This series utilizes interprofessional subject matter experts to present webinars covering data-driven climate change and health, heat-related topics of interest. These webinars support the translation of current research into clinical practice,…

January 22, 2025

Recording Available – CHART Webinar Series: Youth Mental Health and the Climate Crisis

Youth Mental Health and the Climate Crisis This webinar was held on February 11, 2025 Access the recording of the session HERE *This enduring material is eligible for Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) credits! Description: Climate change has profound and escalating consequences for all aspects of human health, including our mental health and emotional well-being. In this webinar we will learn about how climate change is harming mental health, the reasons…

January 17, 2025

CHART Climate and Health Pilot Grants Available 2025

The Climate and Health Actionable Research and Translation (CHART) Center (NIH 1P20ES036110-02) is pleased to announce the 2025-2026 Pilot Project Program in Climate and Health. CHART will make available a total of $60,000 to projects that aim to advance climate and health research, with the intention of funding multiple grants of up to $20,000 each in direct costs. Letter of Intent Due: February 24th, 2025 (extended) Full Application Due: April…

January 7, 2025

Recording Available – CHART Webinar Series: Heat, Health, and Environmental Justice: Addressing Barriers in Underserved Communities

Heat, Health, and Environmental Justice: Addressing Barriers in Underserved Communities This webinar was held on January 14, 2025 Access the recording of the session HERE *This enduring material is eligible for Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) credits! The built environment can play a large role in a person’s exposure to heat, as well as other manmade and climate change-related health hazards. This webinar will dive into the concept of environmental justice…

October 2, 2024

ISEE Environmental Epidemiology Article “Temperature-mortality associations by age and cause: a multi-country multi-city study”

Abstract:  Heterogeneity in temperature-mortality relationships across locations may partly result from differences in the demographic structure of populations and their cause-specific vulnerabilities. Here we conduct the largest epidemiological study to date on the association between ambient temperature and mortality by age and cause using data from 532 cities in 33 countries. We collected daily temperature and mortality data from each country. Mortality data was provided as daily death counts within…

September 13, 2024

Recording available – CHART Webinar Series: Heat Risk in Pregnancy

***Now eligible for Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) credits!  Pregnancy can increase the risk of a woman and her fetus being negatively impacted by environmental exposures. This webinar will discuss current research on how high ambient temperatures may influence pregnancy outcomes, highlighting emerging epidemiologic evidence and current knowledge gaps. The webinar will also utilize data and professional clinical experience to show how obstetricians and other clinicians working with pregnant patients can…

August 29, 2024

CHART CEC announces 2024-2025 CHART Community Grantees

The CHART Community Engagement Core (CEC), guided by its Partner Steering Committee, has selected three outstanding projects for the 2024-2025 CHART Community Grant. This year, we received six applications from dedicated groups across the Atlanta metro area, all focused on addressing climate-related challenges, particularly those related to heat.  Each year, CHART’s CEC invites Atlanta residents to propose innovative projects aimed at mitigating climate and heat impacts in their neighborhoods. Applicants…

July 31, 2024

Recording available – CHART Webinar Series: CDC Tools and Resources on Heat and Health

***Now eligible for Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) credits!  As summer temperatures continue to rise, health professionals must be prepared to prevent and treat illness due to extreme heat. This webinar highlighted how health and non-health factors contribute to variability in individual risk of heat related illnesses, and presented the new CDC Heat & Health Tracker, as well as key screening materials, heat action plans, and heat and medication guidance for…

July 22, 2024

CHART conducting a study exploring heat exposure in Atlanta

Emory University researchers of the Climate and Health Actionable Research and Translation (CHART) Center are conducting a study to learn about people’s exposure to heat and air pollution in Atlanta. We are looking for adults who live in Atlanta to participate in the study. Interested in participating? See the flyer below for more information or go here.

July 17, 2024

AJC: “Extreme heat is dangerous but highly underestimated, experts say”

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported on extreme heat in Georgia, interviewing CHART experts and mentioning the new Rollins School of Public Health climate and health indicator dashboard. Read the full article here.  Heat-related illnesses and fatalities result when the body’s ability to cool itself is overwhelmed by high temperatures, causing a dangerous increase in body heat that can harm vital organs, including the brain. Noah Scovronick, an environmental health scientist,…

July 5, 2024

CHART Announces New Pilot Grant Awardees

CHART is pleased to welcome its first pilot grant recipients. The CHART Research Capacity Building Core has awarded a pilot grant to two compelling projects. Every year, CHART plans to host the Pilot Project Program, which aims to build research capacity by providing funding for innovative pilot proposals that intend to generate new knowledge about the health risks associated with climate change in urban areas, particularly those related to heat…

November 22, 2023

Changing Climate Presents Major Threats for Southeast, Opportunities for Future

(Originally published on the Rollins School of Public Health News Center) The U.S. Global Change Research Program released its Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA) in November  2023. This comprehensive report pulls together science-backed evidence to communicate about current and future threats related to climate change in the United States at both a national and regional level and across a number of fronts, including air and water quality, the economy, natural disasters,…

October 24, 2023

Rollins Researchers Awarded Grant to Establish Center Studying Effects of Climate Change on Health

(Originally published on the Rollins School of Public Health News Center) A team of researchers from Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health has been awarded a $3.8M grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish a center to study the impacts of climate change on health and help develop action-oriented strategies to protect the health of individuals and communities. Emory University was one of the first five institutions to…